Law and Attraction - Your Manifest How To Guide
Do you too often attract what you don’t want in your life?
Let’s change your story - so you’re manifesting what you WANT and not what you don’t.
Manifest how to
I know so many people who want to manifest something, it might be even more accurate to say I don’t know anyone who has never tried.
Yet, most people don’t quite know how to manifest.
It doesn’t help that there are various people, celebrities, and gurus who claim they have the secret to manifesting. Thus, instead of helping you manifest, it only shows that you don’t know how to…
Let me give you the five steps you need to manifest - free of charge, of course.
Use your mind to ask for what you want. Questions work best, because when using questions you are not necessarily expecting a particular answer. Top tip: use ‘what’ questions to open yourself up to the infinite possibilities and answers. Personally, I like to use “what else is possible?”
Let those questions drive your emotions. Feel the excitement, the wonder, the fun, and joy when you think “what else is possible”.
Ensure that you are clear on what you’re asking. This is IMPORTANT! It’s where many get stuck in the manifesting process. Because they don’t focus on what they want but on the lack of what they currently don’t have. Example: “I wish I would get the promotion” becomes “I am so grateful for the good work I’m putting in; what can I do now to increase my chances for the promotion?”
Have some fun daydreaming about what it is you want. See yourself as already having it: really go into detail of what your life would be like. Feel into the joy you feel and the excitement of new possibilities become available. This raises your vibrations to the ‘right’ frequency.
Remain open to the delivery of your dreams. This can be difficult, because sometimes the delivery is disruptive to life. For instance, when you want to change jobs because you’re unhappy with your current position you might get fired. That’s probably not how you imagined it to work, BUT it is a direct result of your wishes becoming reality.
Law and Attraction
The law in this case refers to the universal laws, whereby the attraction regards the magnetic monopole we all have inside. Please note, this is not a physical monopole that’s hidden within your body; rather it’s an energy field that attracts the same frequency you’re sending out.
I like to think of it this way: the Earth is a magnetic monopole. Because of gravity we are stuck to Earth - a bit like a magnet sticks to the fridge door. Take it away too far and you can’t feel the magnetism any longer.
You have a similar power to pull what you want towards you. You are magnetic in that sense, as dictated by the Law of Attraction.
When Manifesting Doesn’t Work
It can be so frustrating: you’ve done the work. You know what you want, you keep your vibrations high and yet - it’s not happening.
That’s tough!
You might think the whole process doesn’t work and it’s all just a big money-making scheme that you aren’t a part of. I have thought that at times!
But if that’s happening for you, what the universe is trying to tell you is that you are still barking up the wrong tree - or you have fenced the tree in (in your mind) so you believe it’s completely out of reach.
What you are trying to ‘get’ through manifesting isn’t yours to have - at the moment.
Instead of ditching law and attraction altogether, use this as an opportunity to understand what it is you want. Become curious about yourself.
What’s worked for me in the past is questions:
What am I trying to manifest that is not serving me but justifying me?
Where am I trying to please others instead of going after my own dreams?
What can I do to become aligned with my true self?
What story am I telling myself that is preventing me from getting what I want?
Once you’ve come up with some answers, I invite you to start the process again. Maybe with something small, so that you experience it working for you!
You can’t escape the Law and Attraction
Just like any law you need to abide by it. What’s special with this law is that the law enforcement is yourself. It happens whether you want to or not.
Usually, there’s a moment - a split second only - that sends an impulse directly to your heart: do or don’t.
However, often we ignore this intuitive guidance and instead rely on logic and sensibility. Time passes and things go wrong. We say to our friends “I knew from the beginning that this wasn’t the right thing to do.”
We know, but we don’t act on that knowledge.
Our society isn’t (as yet) interested in living life by intuition. But I believe that’s changing. We can already see some changes in the workplace: well-being has risen on the agenda. There’s a renewed focus on work-life balance, mindfulness and mental health.
This gives us the space and time to rekindle our relationship with our gut feeling; because when we’re stressed, running from here to there, it’s much easier to ignore it.
Law and Attraction Coaching Package
During our three sessions together we take a deep dive into what it is you want - and the story you tell yourself about whether or not you believe you deserve it.
We look closely at what is yours and where you’re trying to please others with your decisions.
And we create a routine for you that works with your life and helps you keep your focus on what it is you want to attract in.
What you get:
3 x 60-minute coaching sessions
Quantum Human Design Chart and exploration to understand where you might have been conditioned*
Flexible scheduling options (directly into my calendar; valid for one year)
Weekly Check-in emails to keep you on track
WhatsApp support when you need me outside our regular sessions
Are you ready to attract the life you want?
*You can upgrade the package to receive a fully personalized Quantum Human Design Report and a separate 90-minute session. Please ask for details.